
12V DC miniature power relay model 914F

2022-09-26 15:45

Contact parameters of 12V DC miniature power relay model 914F

Contact form

1A 1C 2A 2C

Contact resistance

100m Ω (1A 12Vdc)

Contact materials

AgSnO2, AgCdO, Agni alloy

Contact load

20A/2*8A 250VAC

Maximum switching voltage


Maximum switching current


Maximum switching power


Mechanical durability

1*107 times

Electrical durability

1*105 times 

miniature power relay

Order description of 12V DC miniature power relay model 914F

1) When it is used in a polluted environment (including H2S, SO2, NO2, and other dust pollutants), it is recommended to select plastic products and verify them in actual use;

2) After the relay is installed into the PCB board, the whole board needs to be cleaned. Contact our company in time to confirm the appropriate welding method and product specification;

3) For the application scenarios where capacitive load, lamp load and motor load lamps will produce high surge current at the moment of relay connection, it is recommended to use AgSnO2 material contacts;

4) If customers have any special requirements, they can contact our company to select the corresponding product model according to the characteristics after review

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